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Galyn Forster, MS, LPC - LDN 2023

Galyn Forster is a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in Eugene, Oregon since 1988. He earned an MS in Counseling Psychology from the University of Oregon. He works with adults, youth and couples, focusing on a wide range of issues including complex trauma, dissociation, anxiety, attachment issues, physical pain and traumatic brain injury. His clinical theoretical orientation is eclectic, with an eye to integrating recent neurobiological finding into his treatment. Central to his practice are Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy (EMDR), Coherence Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Sensorimotor Therapy and LENS neurofeedback. He began working with patients prescribed low dose naltrexone (LDN) as an adjunctive treatment to psychotherapy in 2010. Since then he has helped roughly 90 clients in their exploration of LDN as an adjunctive treatment for mental health issues. He presents locally and internationally on the topic.

LDN in Mental Health Treatment: Regulation is Not Enough, A Suppression/Disruption Strategy is Necessary