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The conference is designed for clinicians, clinical researchers, pharmacists, and well-educated patients with complex medical conditions. It is assumed that the participants will have general knowledge of human physiology and medicine and an interest in using Low Dose Naltrexone.Educational Objectives

After completing the LiveStream activity and/or Extra Conference Presentations, the participant should be better able to:

  • Define the mechanism of action of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).
  • Discuss why LDN is different from regular dose naltrexone
  • Describe the Contraindications to the use of LDN in a patient
  • Describe the benefits observed in the treatment of patients with LDN
  • Describe the side effects observed in the treatment of patients with LDN
  • Describe commonly used adjunctive agents and lifestyle modifications in combination with LDN

The LDN Research Trust invites you to participate in our upcoming LDN Research Trust 2025 LDN Conference. The conference aims to raise awareness of LDN (Low-Dose Naltrexone) among healthcare professionals and encourage its use in treating many chronic diseases by highlighting compelling examples and real-world results.

The LDN Research Trust 2025 Conference is a three-day charity event organized by the LDN Research Trust. It is the only LDN-focused event globally, and no other event or organization comes close to matching the LDN Research Trust's global reach.

Estimated Number of Attendees: 200 in-person, 2,000+ live-stream participants.

Conference Sales Inquiries: Linda Elsegood: contact@ldnreserchtrust.org

USA - +1 847 794-8046
UK - +44 1223 92 6933