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Professor Angus Dalgleish

January 18, 2021 1 min read

Professor Angus Dalgleish

Angus Dalgleish is currently the Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of London and Principal of The Institute for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy (ICVI). He qualified in medicine from University College and Hospital with an intercalated Hons BSc in Anatomy with Prof JZ Young, FRS. He spent one year as a flying doctor in Mt Isa, Australia, before joining the Physician training programme in Brisbane. Moving to Sydney to specialise in Oncology. He returned to the UK to study viruses and cancer with Professor Robin Weiss FRS at the ICR. His research focused on the HIV receptor, pathogenesis and an effective vaccine candidate in collaboration with Bionor (Norway). Whilst working as an MRC senior Clinical research fellow he discovered that Thalidomide had major effects on the immune response which may be useful in HIV and Cancer. This led to a long-term collaboration with Celgene, resulting in the discovery of Lenalidomide and Pomalidomide, now licensed for myeloma and lymphoma worldwide with sales last year of 10Billion dollars. For over 20 years he has researched cancer vaccines and immunotherapy for cancer and noted that Mycobacterium vaccae developed for TB corrected the immune deficiency seen in cancer patients. A subsequent development, now known as IMM-101, has shown activity in Melanoma and pancreatic cancer and is in trials for these conditions as well as COVID. As a result of these studies it became clear that good Vitamin D3 levels were vital for a clinical response and that several other agents have significant benefit in cancer patients, including LDN.


The role of immune modulation in cancer

The role of inflammation in chronic disease